Winter Backpacking Gear List – 2015

winterWhen I was learning to backpack, I found it helpful when others posted their gear lists.  It gave me a reference point for the kinds of things I needed, what I was doing right, and what I could be doing better.  That said, there is no “one size fits all” gear list.  There are a number of personal factors that go into making a gear list, such as size, weight, fitness level, and need for comfort.  It also matters where and when you plan to go backpacking.  One must factor in temperature, precipitation, terrain, water availability and natural shelter, among other things.

 A Winter Backpacking Gear List must fit your style

My backpacking style is fairly minimalist and would be considered Ultralight.  My summer load weighs in at about 9 lbs without food, water, or fuel. My winter gear ranges from 15 to 17 lbs.  I don’t feel the cold the way most people do and I am quite comfortable sleeping in chilly weather.  I’m also not a fan of complicated meals and I usually stick to simple food that doesn’t need cooking or just needs hot water.

Where and when do you hike?

I do most of my “winter” hiking in the late fall or early spring in the forested hills of Norther New Jersey or Southern New York.  I designed my winter backpacking gear list for weekend trips in temperatures down to about 15 degrees Fahrenheit, usually with no more than a few inches of snow on the ground.  The region is heavily forested and provides plenty of fire wood.  The hills form natural wind breaks, but my most frequent backpacks are into areas with available lean-to shelters, if the weather gets really bad.

My Gear 2015 Winter Backpacking Gear List



Sleep System


Cooking/Eating/Food Storage

Clothing – Carried

Clothing – Worn



Also check out my Summer Backpacking Gear List